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Eglinton Caledon Hounds



The Masters


  • The leaders of our hunt are known as ‘Masters of Foxhounds'. It is an honourary position that has been a tradition for centuries.

  • Eglinton & Caledon Hounds is organized as a Joint Mastership in which a group of Masters share the responsibility of the hunting and riding activities. The administration of the club is governed by the board of directors.

  • The Masters will usually lead the riders in the field, and when they are performing this role they are known as ‘Field Masters’However, on some occasions other members of the hunt may perform this function. In this case they are also known as ‘Field Masters’ and they too are responsible for the safety and control of the riders.

  • Under the direction of the Masters, the professional Huntsman is responsible for the kennels and all aspects of managing the hounds, including breeding, training, exercise, and of course, hunting.

  • The Huntsman also contributes to fostering our unique relationship with the landowners who provide us with the beautiful private countryside upon which we ride.

The Fields

  • Followers of our hounds ride in one of two groups. Experienced riders on steady horses who are comfortable jumping obstacles at speed usually will ride with the Main Field(aka 1st Flight).  Those riders who prefer not to jump and prefer a more leisurely pace will usually ride with the Hill Toppers Field (aka 2nd Flight).

  • The Main field’ follows the hunt as closely as possible without interfering with either Huntsman, hounds or Whippers-in. The pace can reach cross country galloping speed and fences are negotiated in order to keep up with the hounds.

  • The Hill Toppers follow the hounds in anticipation of where the quarry may be flushed in order to get a ‘view’.  The 2nd Flight are not required to jump fences and usually move at a slower pace than the Main field.

  • Riders are not permitted to pass the Field Masters and must obey the directions of the Field Masters. If a rider decides to retire for the day, he or she must advise the Field Master and request permission to leave. It is important that a rider does not cross through an area which will be hunted that day, as this could interfere with scenting.

The Whippers-In

Mark Whipping-In
  • The Huntsman is assisted by Whippers-in who participate in the hunting. This includes turning back hounds if they are running onto land not permitted to hunt, or busy roadways, rounding up hounds, and exercising of the hounds under the direction of the Huntsman.

  • We also have a second type of Whippers-In that we call Road Whips. These hunt servants follow the hunt riding along in cars, and by communicating with the Huntsman, they can stop hounds from crossing busy roads and prevent accidents.

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